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Leadership: Fireside Chat with CEO

A moderated discussion with African mining leaders exploring personal topics ranging from their academic background, the role of early influencers and mentors through to personal values, through to their views on business strategy, investment and deal-making, leadership and the future of mining. 

Thursday 06 February 09:45 - 10:15 CTICC1

Young Leaders Programme

Add to calendar 02/06/2025 09:45 02/06/2025 10:15 Leadership: Fireside Chat with CEO A moderated discussion with African mining leaders exploring personal topics ranging from their academic background, the role of early influencers and mentors through to personal values, through to their views on business strategy, investment and deal-making, leadership and the future of mining.  CTICC1 Africa/Johannesburg


Mfikeyi Makayi

CEO Africa, KoBold Metals