Driving sustainable investment in African Mining

Why Attend - Government

Future of Mining

In 2025, the focus on sustainable development and economic prosperity will never be more crucial. As we navigate the challenges of an ever-changing world, it is imperative that we understand the unique needs and strengths of each country in order to create tailored solutions for their mining economies. By collaborating and pushing boundaries, we can pave the way for a more resilient and lucrative future for the mining sector.

Reasons to attend


Enhanced government proposition

In support of this objective, ensuring the voice of government mining and supporting ministries will be heard across the event – not only in the government-dedicated Intergovernmental Summit, but across all key programmes including Disruptive Discussions, Sustainability Series and Technology and Innovation.


Future-proofing government focus

The 2025 theme, "Future-proofing African Mining, Today!" is anchored on six key content pillars, emphasising equality for all, to guide Mining Indaba’s future objectives. Future-proofing from a government perspective involves implementing policies and regulations that ensure sustainable development, environmental protection, and social responsibility in the mining industry. It also involves fostering innovation and technology adoption to enhance efficiency and competitiveness in the sector. 

What to expect

Register now and save up to 51% off your ticket!

Join the premier event for African pioneers and changemakers shaping a brighter future for mining in Africa! Save up to 51% off your ticket and register now - hurry offer ends on 26 October at midnight!

Content sessions you may be interested in...

Monday 03 February 13:15 - 14:00
Critical for who – how producers can flip the script on critical minerals

  • As global powers work to define and execute their own critical minerals strategies, how is Africa being positioned in these conversations?
  • How critical are critical minerals to Africa’s own energy security? Is the global energy transition leaving Africa behind?
  • Competition and collaboration – how can greater strategic diplomacy ensure partnerships yield long-term benefits for the continent without perpetuating dependency?

Monday 03 February 14:10 - 15:10
Who in Africa will get the best deal from the energy transition and why?

  • Country, company and community perspectives on distribution of benefits and harms across the continent and within nations and communities
  • The role of international involvement (and interference) in elevating certain countries over others (e.g. exploration, trade and investment privileging)
  • What does a just transition offer for delivering energy security to Africa?

Monday 03 February 15:30 - 16:30
How do we future-proof African communities from the effects of climate change?

  • How is climate instability affecting African mining and African mining communities?
  • What solutions are miners, governments, local leaders adopting to support climate change adaptation in mining communities?
  • How can a pursuit of co-benefits in miners’ community development and national policy efforts build greater resilience to a changing climate? (case studies)
  • What is the role of insurance?

Monday 03 February 16:05 - 17:05
Future-Proofing African mining today - Uncovering the Top 5 elements for success

  1. The government factor: A landscape that offers investment-friendly options for increased infrastructure development spend, improved permitting processes and downstream value-addition is the dream. Can it be turned Into reality?
  2. The investment factor: Future demand for metals has never looked brighter, but are investors willing to provide the required capital at every stage of the mining life cycle?
  3. The community factor: Mining means job creation and economic opportunities, but is that enough to win the support of local communities for new projects?
  4. The talent factor: Artificial intelligence holds the future to technology adoption in mining - is tomorrow's mining generation prepared at a tertiary education level for this, and what does their integration with the existing workforce look like?
  5. The market factor: Are downstream buyers ready to play their part, including buying critical minerals from “risky” jurisdictions?”

Tuesday 04 February 09:05 - 09:45
Transforming governments' permitting process - can the dream become reality?

  • Learning from the best - what do countries with fast permitting processes do well that others can replicate?
  • Bureaucratic processes - is it possible to reduce permitting times while still maintaining high ESG standards?
  • Putting greater pressure on the concept of 'use it or lose it' - good or bad?
  • The role of cadastral systems, and the need for greater upgrade investments
  • Should the same or similar permitting processes be implemented for artisanal and small-scale miners?

Tuesday 04 February 09:45 - 10:30
Is policy a blocker to technology and innovation?

  • What is the importance of government policies in supporting technological innovation?
  • Why is policy not keeping pace with the rate of technological advancement?
  • Can collaboration between governments, businesses, and academia to drive technological advancements.

Tuesday 04 February 09:45 - 10:30
Industrialising Africa - what will it take to increase investment in midstream and downstream manufacturing facilities?

  • Why this government objective?
  • Unpacking enabling conditions for mining companies and international players to foray into local value addition for critical energy transition minerals
  • Understanding the perspectives of battery and electric vehicles manufacturers to better understand midstream opportunities and actions needed to unlock those segments
  • The role of private sector and state-owned enterprises in implementing the vision of governments to transform domestic mining sectors to deliver greater value addition

Tuesday 04 February 10:30 - 11:00
Fireside chat with a ministry

Tuesday 04 February 14:45 - 15:30
The symbiotic approach – strengthening global mineral supply through greater African industrialisation

  • What is the current state of financial mobilization available to producers, and how can additional avenues provide mutually strategic benefit?
  • What needs to be done to promote additional corridor development and regional market integration?
  • How can external partners act competitively within the African CRM space to properly deliver on Africa’s mineral potential?
  • Clustered development – in what ways will further industrialisation cataylse the development of connected economies & communities?