A key role of the Minerals Council South Africa is to facilitate interaction among mining employers to examine policy issues and other matters of mutual concern, to crystallise and define desirable industry standpoints. Consultation and collaboration are voluntary and never encroach on the autonomy of members.
The Minerals Council also acts as a principal advocate for mining in South Africa to government, communicating major policies endorsed by its members.
The Minerals Council aims to drive the development of a shared vision for a globally competitive mining industry that is a significant contributor to South Africa’s economy and supported by all stakeholders.
We advocate and lobby for a policy, infrastructure and social environment that is conducive to investment and growth of the industry and maximises the benefit for the country from its mineral endowment.
We Communicate progress and impact of aggregate economic, environmental, social and governance (EESG) performance (with specific reference to transformation, health and safety) and adoption of leading practices.
The Minerals Council seeks to create, in partnership with key stakeholders, a conducive policy, legislative and operating environment that facilitates real investment in mining.
The Minerals Council is a respected mining advocacy organisation that works through trust-based, problem-solving partnerships to engineer this positive turnaround in the mining industry.
The Minerals Council also acts as a principal advocate for mining in South Africa to government, communicating major policies endorsed by its members.
The Minerals Council aims to drive the development of a shared vision for a globally competitive mining industry that is a significant contributor to South Africa’s economy and supported by all stakeholders.
We advocate and lobby for a policy, infrastructure and social environment that is conducive to investment and growth of the industry and maximises the benefit for the country from its mineral endowment.
We Communicate progress and impact of aggregate economic, environmental, social and governance (EESG) performance (with specific reference to transformation, health and safety) and adoption of leading practices.
The Minerals Council seeks to create, in partnership with key stakeholders, a conducive policy, legislative and operating environment that facilitates real investment in mining.
The Minerals Council is a respected mining advocacy organisation that works through trust-based, problem-solving partnerships to engineer this positive turnaround in the mining industry.