Driving sustainable investment in African Mining

Aurum Discovery

Stand: ES10
  • Mining Company

Ticker: Private
Website: www.aurumdiscovery.com
Project Location: Cameroon
Commodity Exposure: Au, Cu, U, REE, Li

Company or Project Background:

The Aracari project consists of 5 exploration licences covering approximately 2,359 km2 in northern Cameroon. Centred on the mobile belt at the margin between the Congo and West African Cratons, this package lies within Birimian/Eburnean greenstone terrane and covers more than 50 km trike of the deep-tapping, highly-prospective Tchollire-Banyo Shear Zone (TBSZ) and associated splay structures. Grab-sampling from sites of artisanal gold mining within the area  has returned grades of up to 7.9 g/t Au from quartz veins coincident with a large gold-in-soil geochemical anomaly in the west of the project area (Bandjoukri Ouest licence). Less than 2 km along-strike to the southeast, the adjacent tenure (held by Oriole Resources PLC) contains a large (12.5 km) gold-in-soil anomaly with grab sample results up to 134.1 g/t Au

