- Mining Company
Ticker: Private/Unlisted
Website: N/A
Project Location: Senegal
Commodity Exposure: IronOre
Company & Project Background: Société des Mines de Fer du Senegal Oriental (MIFERSO), Senegalese state company with portfolio that comprises of over 1139 km2 of iron ore deposits in the Faleme mining concession area and 2772.50 km2 of Ololdou iron research permit. The research permit for iron on the perimeter designated “Ololdou” is in the south-eastern part of Senegal, mainly in the Bakel department, Tambacounda region.
The research perimeter covers an area of 2772.50 km2. Evidence from satellite interpretation and exploration field work has identified iron ore resources with 4 targets. Rock chip samples from some outcrop location gave assay results
of 54% to 72% Fe. Ololdou iron permit is an attractive mineral prospect with the potential to deliver a major iron ore deposit.