Driving sustainable investment in African Mining

Ministry of Mines and Energy of Togo

Stand: L10

The Ministry of Energy and Mines of Togo was established in 2000. Its name has evolved and is currently called the Ministry of Mines and Energies Resources since August 2024 and is under the authority of Minister Robert Messa Koffi EKLO.
He is responsible for defining and coordinating the implementation of the State's policy in the field of mines and energy.
Its role is to:
1.    plan, organize, coordinate, control and develop all mining and energy activities;
2.    managing the State's mining estate and ensuring optimal development of mineral wealth;
3.    to ensure the satisfaction of national demand and self-sufficiency and security of electricity supplies;
4.    ensure the control and quality of products and energy infrastructure;
5.    To carry out technical control over the installations of the extractive industries and power plants.
Lomé, Togo