Stand: ES28
- Mining Company
Ticker: LSE: ORR
Project Name: Bibemi
Project Location: Cameroon, Senegal
Commodity Exposure: Gold
Company & Project Background: Oriole Resources PLC is an AIM-quoted gold exploration company, operating in West Africa. It’s most advanced exploration assets are the Bibemi development project in northern Cameroon, where the Company has reported a maiden resource of 305,000 oz Au at 2.19g/t in the JORC Inferred category, and the resource-stage Senala project in Senegal, which it owns in partnership with Managem Group. At Bibemi, BCM International Limited is currently earning-up to a 50% interest in the project by funding up to US$4m in exploration expenditure and JORC resource-based success payments.
Project Name: Bibemi
Project Location: Cameroon, Senegal
Commodity Exposure: Gold
Company & Project Background: Oriole Resources PLC is an AIM-quoted gold exploration company, operating in West Africa. It’s most advanced exploration assets are the Bibemi development project in northern Cameroon, where the Company has reported a maiden resource of 305,000 oz Au at 2.19g/t in the JORC Inferred category, and the resource-stage Senala project in Senegal, which it owns in partnership with Managem Group. At Bibemi, BCM International Limited is currently earning-up to a 50% interest in the project by funding up to US$4m in exploration expenditure and JORC resource-based success payments.