Driving sustainable investment in African Mining

Badge ID Photo Guidelines

You will be required to upload a photo at the time of registration.  

To ensure your digital photo meets the necessary standards for your Mining Indaba ID badge, please follow these guidelines: 

Photo Quality Requirements:

  • Clarity: The photo must be clear, in focus, and in color. 

  • Unedited: It should be unaltered by computer software. 

  • Size: The image should be at least 600 pixels wide by 750 pixels tall. 

  • File Size: The file must be between 50KB and 2mb. 

  • Format: Save the photo as a PNG or JPEG. 


Appearance in the Photo

  • Posture: Face forward, looking straight at the camera. 

  • Expression: You can have a neutral expression or smile. 

  • Eyes: Keep your eyes open and visible, with no hair covering them. 

  • Headgear: No head coverings unless for religious or medical reasons. 

  • Face: Ensure nothing covers your face.


Photo Composition

  • Background: Use a professional background with clear contrast. 

  • Content: The photo should only include you—no other objects or people.

  • Lighting: Ensure there’s no ‘red eye’ or shadows on your face or behind you. 
