Becky Hitchin
Principal Marine Consultant Sepiola Consultants
Becky has 23 years’ experience as a marine ecologist, environmental assessment scientist, and a national and international deep-sea policymaker. She has a track record of delivering practical advice on environmental impact and strategic / regional environmental planning for regulators, government departments and industry.
Becky is recognized as an international expert on the ecological assessment processes for deep-sea mining, and the impact assessment of habitat loss, plumes and noise related to deep-sea nodule and mud habitats. She has been instrumental in providing UK and Commonwealth-wide advice to the International Seabed Authority in the development of environmental, compliance and inspectorate sections of the draft Exploitation Regulations and their associated standards and guidelines.
She sits on the Legal and Technical Committee at the ISA, where she works primarily on development of thresholds and Regional Environmental Management Plans, and is co-chairing the 2025 ISA / China training programme for “Advancing Marine Spatial Planning in Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction for Sustainable Deep-Sea Stewardship: Best Practices and Key Insights from Regional Environmental Management Planning Process.
2025 Agenda Sessions
What are the implications of the development of seabed exploitation for Africa?
• Which African nations already mine their seabeds?
• What does deep sea mining have to offer African nations and enterprises?
• Why should Africa support or resist deep sea mining? (Fisheries, chemistry, justice)
• How can benefits and harms be fairly distributed?
Monday 03 February 16:15 - 17:15 CTICC1
Sustainability Series
• What does deep sea mining have to offer African nations and enterprises?
• Why should Africa support or resist deep sea mining? (Fisheries, chemistry, justice)
• How can benefits and harms be fairly distributed? CTICC1 Africa/Johannesburg