Driving sustainable investment in African Mining

Christer Mhingo

Director - TanzGraphite Ecograf

Christer Mhingo is a highly skilled, dynamic and motivated geologist, experienced in working with exploration and mining companies across a range of commodities in Africa and overseas. She holds a Bachelor of Science (Geology) Degree from the University of Dar es Salaam, which included a focus on project management and development. 
She has led a number of successful projects in Tanzania and has been involved with a number of ASX and LSE listed companies from grass-roots exploration to operations, holding multiple roles covering project acquisition advice, Government liaison, community and stakeholder engagement, tenement management, business permitting and compliance, business development, exploration and project development. 
Christer is the Director for Ecograf Limited’s (TanzGraphite) Tanzanian projects, Executive Director and co-founder of Azurite Management and Consultancy Limited, a business that advises mining and exploration companies from Australia, Asia, Europe, America and Africa operating in Tanzania and East Africa. As a member of the University of Dar es Salaam alumni, she has also been actively involved with mentoring programs at the University’s School of Mines and Geosciences.

2025 Agenda Sessions

Exploration with extraction – investing into the next generation of African mines.

  • Whilst the continent remains under-explored, are African nations well equipped to ramp up their exploration activities to meet global minerals demand? 
  • What supportive policies, incentives and partnerships are there available to engage with the public sector?
  • Developing domestic capability - what can be done to drive further investment into African exploration projects? 
  • How can governments utilise this increased drive for mineral exploration to promote further development of industry & local communities?

Monday 03 February 16:30 - 17:15 CTICC2

Intergovernmental Summit Track 1

Add to calendar 02/03/2025 16:30 02/03/2025 17:15 Exploration with extraction – investing into the next generation of African mines.
  • Whilst the continent remains under-explored, are African nations well equipped to ramp up their exploration activities to meet global minerals demand? 
  • What supportive policies, incentives and partnerships are there available to engage with the public sector?
  • Developing domestic capability - what can be done to drive further investment into African exploration projects? 
  • How can governments utilise this increased drive for mineral exploration to promote further development of industry & local communities?
CTICC2 Africa/Johannesburg