Johannes Danz
Project Coordinator Raw Materials and Human Rights Mercedes-Benz AG
Johannes Danz joined Mercedes-Benz in 2019. As project coordinator, he is responsible for human rights in raw material supply chains. This includes the continuous development of Mercedes-Benz’s approach to human rights due diligence, the development of mining standards and a particular focus on aluminum, copper and REEs. In addition, Johannes represents Mercedes-Benz in a range of initiatives including the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA) and the German National Action Plan for Business and Human Rights. Johannes has a background in international development cooperation related to extractive industries. He holds a master’s degree from the London School of Economics.
2025 Agenda Sessions
Can we have a just energy transition if we don’t get better at remedy?
- Why do miners and mining nations need to get better at remedy?
- How good are we at remedy in mining anyway?
- What are the pathways to restorative justice once a failure has occurred?
Wednesday 05 February 15:00 - 16:00 CTICC1
Sustainability Series
- Why do miners and mining nations need to get better at remedy?
- How good are we at remedy in mining anyway?
- What are the pathways to restorative justice once a failure has occurred?