Puso Thahane
Partner Boston Consulting Group
2025 Agenda Sessions
Technology & Innovation where you need it most in mining?
Mining is all about technology, as is processing and exploration. But are we investing in the right technology, the right research and the right skills to make African mining thrive? Do new technologies like AI promise too much. Should miners also be investing in downstream innovations to drive demand for their minerals; and do we have the right institutions to do this?
We explore:
•Mining research, development and knowledge creation
•Why processing matters
•The hype and realities of AI
•Low tech solutions in a high-tech world
Thursday 06 February 12:15 - 12:50 CTICC1
Young Leaders Programme
We explore:
•Mining research, development and knowledge creation
•Why processing matters
•The hype and realities of AI
•Low tech solutions in a high-tech world CTICC1 Africa/Johannesburg