Driving sustainable investment in African Mining

Tricia Wilhelm

Group Head of Social Impact Anglo American

Tricia Wilhelm joined Anglo American Plc in September 2012. Over 12 years, she has held various social performance roles and, since June 2023, has led the global Social Impact discipline. Tricia oversees the Group-wide social impact strategy, including social performance, socio-economic, and social development programs. She also leads the Anglo-American Social Way framework, aligning the company’s standards with international best practices in social performance and human rights. 
Previously, Tricia spent 10 years at Export Development Canada as a Political and Human Rights Analyst for Sub-Saharan Africa and Lead Social Specialist.

2025 Agenda Sessions

Transforming governments' permitting process - can the dream become reality?

  • Learning from the best - what do countries with fast permitting processes do well that others can replicate?
  • Bureaucratic processes - is it possible to reduce permitting times while still maintaining high ESG standards?
  • Putting greater pressure on the concept of 'use it or lose it' - good or bad?
  • The role of cadastral systems, and the need for greater upgrade investments
  • Should the same or similar permitting processes be implemented for artisanal and small-scale miners?

Tuesday 04 February 10:30 - 11:15 CTICC1

Disruptive Discussions

Future-Proofing African Mining: Building resilience across Nature, Water and Forests for People and

  • The Interconnection of Water, Forests, and Nature: How is African mining contributing to the regeneration/preservation of ecosystems? 
  • Can leveraging voluntary Nature-related Financial Disclosures like the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) provide more transparency and accountability helping build more resilient business practices? Can we see tangible evidence of delivering action on the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) which includes 23 action targets and 4 high level goals?  
  • Government policy, regulation and global frameworks: What are governments’ plans to integrate protection of nature into their mining policies and actions?  Will there be changes in regulations moving forward? 
  • Empowering local communities and enhancing social resilience: Collaborative approaches to sustainable mining. 
  • Will support the majority of this work? 

Wednesday 05 February 10:00 - 11:00 CTICC1

Sustainability Series