Africa Mining...who has the Power?
- Power and water for mining – friends or enemies?
- What role to emerging water technologies have to play in the water/energy relationship?
- Overall power generation requirements to meet the growing targets of Africa.
Wednesday 05 February 10:00 - 10:45 CTICC1
Tech & Innovation Hub
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02/05/2025 10:00
02/05/2025 10:45
Africa Mining...who has the Power?
- Power and water for mining – friends or enemies?
- What role to emerging water technologies have to play in the water/energy relationship?
- Overall power generation requirements to meet the growing targets of Africa.
Director, Mputlelele Enterprises
CEO and Founder, Africa Green Co
Regional Manager, Africa, International Geothermal Assoiciation
Group Executive: Strategy and Sustainability , Eskom Holdings SOC
Commercial Executive , Decentral Energy
Deputy Chairman of the Board, Executive Chairman , Zimbabwe Mining Development Corporation, Trans Limpopo Capital