Who owns Africa’s minerals? What could Africa gain from Minerals as a Service?
- What would happen if we never sold the mineral we mined to manufacturers and consumers?
- How could this make mining and minerals more circular and sustainable?
- How could this benefit businesses, mining communities, consumers and nature?
- Could this enhance ‘mineral security’ for everyone?
- Who is already doing this in minerals, and elsewhere?
Tuesday 04 February 15:15 - 16:15 CTICC1
Sustainability Series
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02/04/2025 15:15
02/04/2025 16:15
Who owns Africa’s minerals? What could Africa gain from Minerals as a Service?
- What would happen if we never sold the mineral we mined to manufacturers and consumers?
- How could this make mining and minerals more circular and sustainable?
- How could this benefit businesses, mining communities, consumers and nature?
- Could this enhance ‘mineral security’ for everyone?
- Who is already doing this in minerals, and elsewhere?
CEO and Founder, Levin Sources
Board Chairperson, ZCCM Investments Holdings
MD, Mining Cadastre (DR Congo)
Director – Global Centre for Mineral Security, Sustainable Minerals Institute, The University of Queensland
Co-Founder & Executive Director, ACEN