Gold: A lucrative commodity still driving economic wealth and resilience through large-scale and widespread employment
- Gold, still Africa's largest commodity by production volumes, still Africa's largest mining-related employer
- Economic wealth, gold the bedrock of many African economies
- Refining - is there scope for the addition of new facilities in Africa?
Wednesday 05 February 11:05 - 11:50 CTICC1
Disruptive Discussions: Redefining Critical Minerals
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02/05/2025 11:05
02/05/2025 11:50
Gold: A lucrative commodity still driving economic wealth and resilience through large-scale and widespread employment
- Gold, still Africa's largest commodity by production volumes, still Africa's largest mining-related employer
- Economic wealth, gold the bedrock of many African economies
- Refining - is there scope for the addition of new facilities in Africa?