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Estelle Levin-Nally

CEO and Founder Levin Sources

Estelle is CEO & Founder of B CorpTM advisory firm, Levin Sources, which has helped 150+ clients mine, trade, source, invest, regulate, advocate & enable more responsibly & sustainably through 260+ projects on 150+ minerals in 80+ countries. She is chair of the Indaba's Sustainability Committee, Commissioner for the Global Investor Commission for Mining 2030, member of Women in Mining UK's Policy Committee & mentor for iWIM's International Women in Natural Resources Mentoring Programme. 

Estelle is an expert in environmental & human rights due diligence, standards design & implementation, ASM & minerals policy, for transition, precious, conflict & development minerals. Estelle is a certified board director & collaborative pioneer, championing other women in mining, SMEs, marginal voices, human rights & nature, speaking truth to power to build sustainable, valuable & equitable minerals systems. She is a natural matchmaker, horizon-scanner and opportunity creator given her multi-disciplinary background & creative streak. 

2025 Agenda Sessions

What is the role of technology in building and undermining sustainability in African mining?

  • How important is technology in Africa’s sustainable development?
  • Is technology being utilised to meet sustainability goals?
  • Are technology providers and innovators doing enough, and can technology be a negative to sustainability?

Tuesday 04 February 13:20 - 14:05 CTICC1

Tech & Innovation Hub

Add to calendar 02/04/2025 13:20 02/04/2025 14:05 What is the role of technology in building and undermining sustainability in African mining?
  • How important is technology in Africa’s sustainable development?
  • Is technology being utilised to meet sustainability goals?
  • Are technology providers and innovators doing enough, and can technology be a negative to sustainability?
CTICC1 Africa/Johannesburg

Who owns Africa’s minerals? What could Africa gain from Minerals as a Service?

  • What would happen if we never sold the mineral we mined to manufacturers and consumers?
  • How could this make mining and minerals more circular and sustainable?
  • How could this benefit businesses, mining communities, consumers and nature?
  • Could this enhance ‘mineral security’ for everyone?
  • Who is already doing this in minerals, and elsewhere?

Tuesday 04 February 15:15 - 16:15 CTICC1

Sustainability Series

Add to calendar 02/04/2025 15:15 02/04/2025 16:15 Who owns Africa’s minerals? What could Africa gain from Minerals as a Service?
  • What would happen if we never sold the mineral we mined to manufacturers and consumers?
  • How could this make mining and minerals more circular and sustainable?
  • How could this benefit businesses, mining communities, consumers and nature?
  • Could this enhance ‘mineral security’ for everyone?
  • Who is already doing this in minerals, and elsewhere?
CTICC1 Africa/Johannesburg

Lithium and graphite: What Is Africa's true potential for filling the long-term EV battery gap? And,

Session sponsored by Syrah Resources

Part of the Redefining Critical Minerals programme (hosted as part of the Disruptive Discussions agenda on Wednesday)

  • What is needed to expedite the introduction of new lithium and graphite mines in Africa?
  • How big is Africa's lithium and graphite potential exactly?
  • Responsible sourcing - the make or break for these critical minerals?
  • The government question - how to balance the profit scale between global supply of raw materials and downstream value-addition
  • Lessons learned - advice from Africa's current producers

Wednesday 05 February 10:20 - 11:05 CTICC1

Disruptive Discussions

Add to calendar 02/05/2025 10:20 02/05/2025 11:05 Lithium and graphite: What Is Africa's true potential for filling the long-term EV battery gap? And,

Session sponsored by Syrah Resources

Part of the Redefining Critical Minerals programme (hosted as part of the Disruptive Discussions agenda on Wednesday)

  • What is needed to expedite the introduction of new lithium and graphite mines in Africa?
  • How big is Africa's lithium and graphite potential exactly?
  • Responsible sourcing - the make or break for these critical minerals?
  • The government question - how to balance the profit scale between global supply of raw materials and downstream value-addition
  • Lessons learned - advice from Africa's current producers
CTICC1 Africa/Johannesburg