Driving sustainable investment in African Mining


Finding the balance for an energy secure world through coal

  • We’ve moved beyond arguing the need for coal – let’s explore the role coal can play in the planet’s green evolution 
  • What does coal’s decarbonisation journey look like – can it disrupt our future ‘no coal’ energy outlook?  
  • Exploring technologies that can clean coal’s footprint? 
  • Are we cleaning our coal-fired power stations? A clean coal supply chain is not up to the miner alone 

Wednesday 07 February 3:30 PM - 4:10 PM Disruptors Stage

Disruptive Discussions

Add to calendar 02/07/2024 15:30 02/07/2024 16:10 DISRUPTIVE DISCUSSION Finding the balance for an energy secure world through coal
  • We’ve moved beyond arguing the need for coal – let’s explore the role coal can play in the planet’s green evolution 
  • What does coal’s decarbonisation journey look like – can it disrupt our future ‘no coal’ energy outlook?  
  • Exploring technologies that can clean coal’s footprint? 
  • Are we cleaning our coal-fired power stations? A clean coal supply chain is not up to the miner alone 
Disruptors Stage Africa/Johannesburg


Vuslat Bayoglu

MD, Menar


Michelle Manook

CEO, FutureCoal

Mosa Mabuza

CEO, Council for Geoscience

Dr. Nombasa Tsengwa

CEO, Exxaro Resources

Shri Satish Jha

Director: Technical, Coal India Limited