Driving sustainable investment in African Mining

2024 Agenda

The below agenda was held at Mining Indaba 2024, which has now concluded. Please register your interest in Mining Indaba 2025.

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Monday, February 5 | 09:30 - 10:10 | Presidents Stage
Opening Ceremony

Join us for the highly anticipated inaugural ceremony, marking the grand celebration of the 30th anniversary of Mining Indaba. As we come together to honour this significant milestone, prepare yourself for an engaging and entertaining experience that will set the stage for the week ahead. 

Monday, February 5 | 10:00 - 10:45 | Innovators Stage
Tech and Innovation Hub

Can Africa play a meaningful role?

  • Importance of accessing critical minerals
  • The value Africa can bring to the industrialisation of components.
  • Why is good performance at ESG at the centre of the global supply chain debate?

Monday, February 5 | 10:10 - 10:15 | Presidents Stage
Opening Ceremony

Monday, February 5 | 10:15 - 10:20 | Presidents Stage
Opening Ceremony

Monday, February 5 | 10:20 - 10:30 | Presidents Stage
Opening Ceremony

Monday, February 5 | 10:30 - 10:45 | Presidents Stage
Opening Ceremony

Monday, February 5 | 10:45 - 12:00 | Presidents Stage
Opening Ceremony

Monday, February 5 | 10:45 - 11:05 | Innovators Stage
Tech and Innovation Hub

New tailings deposition technology developed by AA as a result of significant R&D (and implementation) of Coarse Particle Flotation across the group.
The technology allows a mining company to utilize existing tailings transportation infrastructure but recover significantly more water and develop a desaturated tailings facility; which has benefits from safety, water recovery and legacy (closure)

Monday, February 5 | 11:05 - 11:50 | Innovators Stage
Tech and Innovation Hub

•    How big of a part does mining and technology must play in addressing the unemployment rate?  
•    What is the impact of automation on jobs, skills, and the nature of work itself within mining? 
•    How is the development and manufacturing of modern, new/digital technologies benefiting OEMS, SMEs  
•    and unemployed youth in Africa towards addressing unemployment?  

Monday, February 5 | 11:50 - 12:10 | Innovators Stage
Tech and Innovation Hub

Monday, February 5 | 12:10 - 12:30 | Innovators Stage
Tech and Innovation Hub

Through an immersive mixed reality (MR) experience, explore the current limitations experienced by mining operators and then re-imagine the mining environment that addresses human factors whilst introducing more sustainable and safer environments that increase productivity.

Monday, February 5 | 12:30 - 13:00 | CTICC
Tech and Innovation Hub

Monday, February 5 | 12:45 - 13:00 | Governments Stage
Intergovernmental Summit

Monday, February 5 | 13:00 - 13:10 | Governments Stage
Intergovernmental Summit

Monday, February 5 | 13:05 - 13:15 | Governments Stage
Intergovernmental Summit

Monday, February 5 | 13:10 - 13:55 | Innovators Stage
Tech and Innovation Hub

Are African miners doing enough?

Sharing data can lead to a breakthrough in how Africa manages health and safety in its mines and its broader value chain. However, many remain reluctant to share data, fearful that they will give a competitive advantage to a rival company. Couple this with interoperability issues of dealing with multiple different technology systems, data can become useless. When it comes to health and safety, it is no longer about competitive edges, but human lives. What does Africa need to do to improve in this area?

  • Shared data and health and safety, why the lack of transparency?
  • What can African learn from European company’s data handling?
  • How do we overcome the challenges of interoperability created when using multiple tech systems?

Monday, February 5 | 13:15 - 13:20 | Governments Stage
Intergovernmental Summit

Monday, February 5 | 13:20 - 14:00 | Governments Stage
Intergovernmental Summit

  • Appraising the situation – what is the continents vision for mining and minerals? What does the current cross-continent supply chain look like?
  • What are governments doing to ensure their mining assets are being adequately exploited to maximise value capture?
  • How can African producers build alternative energy sources to support both local beneficiation as well as mining prospects?  What can foreign partners do to support these ambitions?
  • Looking at future supply scenarios – Is there sufficient investment into innovation, infrastructure and secondary production capabilities to support producers?

Monday, February 5 | 13:55 - 14:15 | Innovators Stage
Tech and Innovation Hub

Bridge data gaps in challenging environments and discover how the Elios 3 Surveying Payload can turn days of mapping into a 10-minute job.

Monday, February 5 | 14:00 - 15:30 | Governments Stage
Intergovernmental Summit

The country showcases are designed to highlight the key developing markets within the continent. These nations look to promote the opportunities for investment, exploration and production within their respective jurisdictions.

Monday, February 5 | 14:00 - 14:15 | Disruptors Stage
Disruptive Discussions

Embracing the power of positive disruption: A bold new future for African Mining.

Paving the way for a daring new era in African mining. Listen to insights from foremost mining companies in Africa as they discuss their strategies for introducing positive transformations and disruptions to the industry, the nation, and the African continent.

Monday, February 5 | 14:00 - 15:00 | Insiders Stage
Industry Intel

The demand for energy transition minerals (ETM) needed for the global energy transition is expected to increase significantly in the future. This presents Africa with a unique opportunity to promote economic development, diversify industries, and reduce carbon emissions. To support Africa in meeting the growing demand for ETM, a coordinated approach involving the World Bank, international and regional partners, and authorities is necessary.

This event will focus on the unique opportunity for Africa to leverage the mining sector for domestic revenue mobilization and broader structural development. It will emphasize the need for mining countries to benefit beyond mining and highlight the importance of value chain development in Africa to generate development opportunities.

The event will discuss approaches for increasing supply response capabilities, regional development opportunities, renewable energy investments, value addition, human capital formation, and governance. It will emphasize the potential benefits and opportunities for the African mining industry in the context of the global energy transition and decarbonization efforts. Additionally, it will explore how the World Bank can play a role in supporting African countries in maximizing the benefits of the mining sector through dialogue, investment derisking, and assistance in creating enabling environments for responsible mineral investments.

During the panel discussion, government representatives and industry leaders will come together to delve deeper into the demand for energy transition minerals (ETM) and its potential impact on Africa's economic development and carbon emissions reduction. The discussion will focus on exploring strategies and opportunities for Africa to leverage its mineral resources in a sustainable and beneficial manner.

By bringing together key stakeholders, this event aims to foster dialogue, collaboration, and knowledge sharing to ensure that Africa can harness its mineral resources to drive sustainable development and contribute to the global energy transition.

Monday, February 5 | 14:15 - 14:35 | Disruptors Stage
Disruptive Discussions

Hear from one of Africa’s leading mining companies as they outline how they are bringing positive change and disruption to the industry, the country and the African continent.

Monday, February 5 | 14:15 - 14:25 | Innovators Stage
Tech and Innovation Hub

Monday, February 5 | 14:25 - 14:45 | Innovators Stage
Tech and Innovation Hub

Blasting Silos to mine data: A vendor neutral SIC and integration platform

Monday, February 5 | 14:35 - 14:55 | Disruptors Stage
Disruptive Discussions

Hear from one of Africa’s leading mining companies as they outline how they are bringing positive change and disruption to the industry, the country and the African continent.

Monday, February 5 | 14:45 - 15:45 | Innovators Stage
Tech and Innovation Hub

Keeping up with new legislation

  • Mine Health and Safety Act Regulations Level 9 vehicle intervention for collision avoidance
  • How important are PDS in achieving zero harm? 
  • South Africa as the global standard for PDS 

Monday, February 5 | 14:55 - 15:15 | Disruptors Stage
Disruptive Discussions

Hear from one of Africa’s leading mining companies as they outline how they are bringing positive change and disruption to the industry, the country and the African continent. 

Monday, February 5 | 15:00 - 17:00 | Pioneers Stage
Industry Intel

Monday, February 5 | 15:15 - 15:35 | Disruptors Stage
Disruptive Discussions

Hear from one of Africa’s leading mining companies as they outline how they are bringing positive change and disruption to the industry, the country and the African continent. 

Monday, February 5 | 15:15 - 16:00 | Insiders Stage
Industry Intel

Join us for the launch of the highly anticipated State of the Artisanal and Small-Scale Mining (ASM) Sector report on SDG5: Gender This ground-breaking report, a collaboration between the World Bank and PACT, applies the SDG 5 framework to examine gender inequalities in ASM and provides recommendations for creating a more inclusive sector.

Through in-depth analysis and compelling case studies, the report’s authors will discuss how including gender perspectives can enhance the ASM sector and offer practical suggestions for overcoming barriers to women's participation in ASM. Concrete recommendations include:

Make mining legal frameworks gender-inclusive 
Advance women's social protections at the mine and home 
Account for gendered differences in occupational health and safety (OHS) efforts at mine sites 
The report launch will feature a video presentation and thought-provoking lightning talks. Attendees will have the opportunity to engage with two of the report's authors. The event will be followed by a press briefing at 4:00 pm in the Press Lounge.

This event is a unique platform for stakeholders, industry professionals, and media to gain insights and perspectives on achieving greater gender inclusivity in ASM.


Monday, February 5 | 15:30 - 16:00 | Governments Stage
Intergovernmental Summit

Are international mineral partnerships providing equal value to producers?

  • Minerals have become a form of political capital on the global stage. What role does access to a secure mineral supply have?
  • With a lack of contextual understanding & consultation of continental stakeholders, is the Western approach to mineral partnerships patronising to Africa? Does this push producers to alternate sources?
  • Despite the promise of win-win relationships from alternative sources, how much value have these partnerships actually provided to the continent?
  • How can prospective partners promote Africa’s development, through localisation and contribute to the integration of producer countries into the value chain?

Monday, February 5 | 15:35 - 16:20 | Disruptors Stage
Disruptive Discussions

  • The future of mining depends on exploring for, and discovering new deposits now – why then is so little investment being made into the last truly untapped mineral-rich continent? 
  • How do we address the major prohibitors preventing exploration spend? – political instability, safety concerns, and a lack of transparent data 
  • Unless radical change is achieved to address limited exploration spend, will Africa miss out on the opportunity to meet global demand for critical minerals needed to drive the planet’s green transformation? 
  • Which African countries are defying the limited exploration trend, and why?

Monday, February 5 | 15:45 - 16:05 | Innovators Stage
Tech and Innovation Hub

Monday, February 5 | 16:05 - 16:30 | Innovators Stage
Tech and Innovation Hub

A catastrophic loss of tunnel support caused tunnel collapse of nearly 100 meters length under an active 40-meter pipe cavern within the sheer zone of a Himalayan mountain. Multiple failed attempts to create an egress passage over 17 days gradually informed rescuers about how to establish a safe escape path. From small diameter lifeline tunnels to augers, TBMs Pilling shafts geophones and drones – and even prayers - hear firsthand how the seemingly impossible was achieved.

Monday, February 5 | 16:10 - 17:45 | Governments Stage
Intergovernmental Summit

Monday, February 5 | 16:20 - 16:40 | Disruptors Stage
Disruptive Discussions

Mineral export bans - How does this affect investment opportunities?

  • The recent increase in export bans within certain African countries is indicative of government’s interest to enhance their own downstream economic wealth – but how do global investors feel about this? 
  • Will this scenario lead to a rise in greater local investment spend? 
  • Can there be a balance between reducing mineral exports but still tapping into and feeding global demand? 
  • Ultimately, does the government have the right to do this? Is the negative impact not greater than the intended positive outcome? 

Monday, February 5 | 16:30 - 17:15 | Innovators Stage
Tech and Innovation Hub

  • How is health and safety disrupting productivity levels within mining?
  • What is the role of technology increasing both productivity and safety standards?
  • The nexus of technology and humanity in health and safety.

Monday, February 5 | 16:40 - 17:30 | Disruptors Stage
Disruptive Discussions

  • The struggle to secure minerals supply – particularly transition minerals is widely acknowledged – will there be a clear winner for securing the greatest supply? 
  • Is resource nationalism the answer to ensuring governments don’t lose control of their mineral assets? 
  • Foreign investment may be the solution to funding new projects in Africa – but are they doing enough to ensure economic wealth for the countries they choose to work with? 
  • Do local communities have a say? 

Monday, February 5 | 17:40 - 17:45 | Governments Stage
Intergovernmental Summit

Monday, February 5 | 19:00 - 22:00 | Life Grand Cafe

You're Invited!

Tuesday, February 6 | 08:45 - 09:00 | Governments Stage
Intergovernmental Summit

Tuesday, February 6 | 09:00 - 09:05 | Governments Stage
Intergovernmental Summit

Tuesday, February 6 | 09:00 - 10:00 | Insiders Stage
Industry Intel

The Mining Innovation and Research Battlefield

Tuesday, February 6 | 09:05 - 09:45 | Governments Stage
Intergovernmental Summit

•    In what ways do current infrastructure limitations across the continent limit investment into mining projects? Is enough being done at the policy level to address this?
•    What are the critical transport and energy investments needed for Southern African producers to fully exploit their minerals?
•    How can investment initiatives, such as the Lobito Corridor, boost access to new mining opportunities, whilst also catalysing both mineral and economic growth?
•    How can African institutions serve as the proactive drivers for similar initiatives for developing viable investment corridors across the continent?

Tuesday, February 6 | 09:15 - 10:00 | Disruptors Stage
Disruptive Discussions

Partners for prosperity: the future of democracy, good governance and responsible mining in Africa

  • To what degree will strengthening democracy, good governance and rule of law enable more responsible mining and, in doing so, support the development of the continent and the objectives of the energy transition?
  • How can mining companies support the strengthening of democracy, good governance and the rule of law?
  • How can civil society best partner with the mining sector to strengthen governance?

Tuesday, February 6 | 09:30 - 11:00 | Governments Stage 3
Intergovernmental Summit

Mining companies are at the forefront of driving positive global change, embracing ‘positively disruptive’ technologies, strategies and models which can radically alter the way in which we approach the future and respond to its challenges. Learn how miners can make a positive difference to global sustainability challenges by welcoming disruptive strategies. From climate-linked finance to ‘stewardship certification’ the session will explore how miners and project stakeholders are using sustainability-linked strategies to improve host communities, develop responsible supply chain collaboration and ultimately influence the choices consumers make for high value purchases.

Tuesday, February 6 | 09:45 - 10:05 | Governments Stage
Intergovernmental Summit

Tuesday, February 6 | 10:00 - 12:00 | Insiders Stage
Industry Intel

The AMLA platform is a tool that African governments and legislative drafters may utilise in developing legislation, or which may serve as an educational device for parliamentarians, mining sector regulatory bodies, and civil society to better understand some of the possible legal solutions or systems for regulating the mining sector. The AMLA Guiding Template represents an enhanced starting point for its users by providing a clear and practical foundation on which they can thoroughly consider topical issues supported by sample drafting language as they develop, modify, or simply assess mining legislative frameworks that fit each country's unique context. The various toolkits developed to complement the AMLA platform and the Guiding Template provide enhanced analyses, references, and practical guidance on addressing specific mining legal issues.

Presentation of AMLA’s activities over the years
Presentation on previous toolkits and introduction of Mineral Taxation Toolkit
Expert Panel Session: Evolution of Mining Industry Taxation towards a Bold New Future for African Mining
•    impacts of mining fiscal policy approaches in Africa 
•    tax avoidance – OECD BEPS initiative 
•    incentives regimes 
•    tax administration
•    proposals for reform to maximise benefits

Tuesday, February 6 | 10:00 - 10:20 | Disruptors Stage
Disruptive Discussions

Hear from one of Africa’s leading mining companies as they outline how they are bringing positive change and disruption to the industry, the country and the African continent.

Tuesday, February 6 | 10:00 - 10:10 | Stewards Stage
Sustainability Series

Tuesday, February 6 | 10:00 - 10:45 | Innovators Stage
Tech and Innovation Hub

Downstream and Upstream’s challenges and opportunities

  • How can the mining downstream and downstream OEMs better collaborate in the search of responsible sourcing? 
  • Why should Africa care about supply chain transparency? 
  • What are the financial implications of supply chain transparency?

Tuesday, February 6 | 10:05 - 11:40 | Governments Stage
Intergovernmental Summit

•    The Angola Mining Business Forum will outline the current opportunities, as well as mapping the geological, legislative and investment changes being undertaken to enrich the upcoming and existing mining opportunities in Angola
•    Rio Tinto, De Beers, AngloAmerican and other major players will also lend their perspectives on the mining investment environment, and share their diverse experiences

Tuesday, February 6 | 10:10 - 10:55 | Stewards Stage
Sustainability Series

•    What are the big-picture trends and developments that will shape how companies and governments in Africa tackle sustainability challenges in the year ahead?
•    West vs the rest. 
•    Africa’s growing power in the quest for “critical minerals” and resources nationalism. 
•    Is increased demand for resources a threat or opportunity for sustainability in Africa?
•    Demand for minerals and metals amid growing geopolitical conflict.

Tuesday, February 6 | 10:20 - 10:40 | Disruptors Stage
Disruptive Discussions

Hear from one of Africa’s leading mining companies as they outline how they are bringing positive change and disruption to the industry, the country and the African continent. 

Tuesday, February 6 | 10:40 - 11:00 | Disruptors Stage
Disruptive Discussions

Hear from one of Africa’s leading mining companies as they outline how they are bringing positive change and disruption to the industry, the country and the African continent.

Tuesday, February 6 | 10:45 - 11:05 | Innovators Stage
Tech and Innovation Hub

Tech in action sessions are in depth, live demonstration of a disruptive technology/technologies that can have a positive and disruptive effect on African mining, covering all aspects of the mining supply chain.

Tuesday, February 6 | 10:55 - 11:40 | Stewards Stage
Sustainability Series

  • How do we create a just and green energy transition? 
  • A full supply chain approach to green products: how are we powering the production of transition minerals?
  • Justice for affected workers: is the “just energy transition” more than remedying fossil fuel abandonment? 
  • Local content and the distribution of benefits 
  • Justice for future generations and non-humans: Nature-based solutions to sustainably manage natural resources.

Tuesday, February 6 | 11:00 - 11:10 | Pioneers Stage
Investment Series

Tuesday, February 6 | 11:00 - 00:30 | Governments Stage 2
Intergovernmental Summit

The country showcases are designed to highlight the key developing markets within the continent. These nations look to promote the opportunities for investment, exploration and production within their respective jurisdictions. 

Tuesday, February 6 | 11:00 - 11:20 | Disruptors Stage
Disruptive Discussions

Hear from global disruptors who will share their views on what is truly needed to bring positive disruption to the African continent, and by association, the mining industry.

Tuesday, February 6 | 11:05 - 12:05 | Innovators Stage
Tech and Innovation Hub

Tuesday, February 6 | 11:10 - 11:50 | Pioneers Stage
Investment Series

Table 1: Gold & PGMs

Table 2: Lithium & Graphite

Table 3: Manganese & Iron ore

Table 4: Nickel, Cobalt & Copper

Tuesday, February 6 | 11:20 - 11:50 | Disruptors Stage
Disruptive Discussions

Who should pick up the logistics tab? Government or industry?

  • Limited road and rail infrastructure is undeniably still one of Africa’s greatest mineral development constraints, but who is accountable for addressing this – government, or industry, or both? 
  • Are third party infrastructure investors the solution? 
  • The greatest challenges lie in varying legislation across countries – how does the continent collectively work together to build the necessary infrastructure? 
  • If an agreement can’t be found, what is the solution? 

Tuesday, February 6 | 11:40 - 11:50 | Governments Stage
Intergovernmental Summit

Tuesday, February 6 | 11:40 - 12:10 | Stewards Stage
Sustainability Series

  • The energy transition is driving huge growth in the demand for critical minerals
  • Meeting this demand will require mining companies to access large areas of new land, which will likely result in a significant increase in the number of displaced communities and people
  • To manage these displacement impacts, mining companies will need to undertake the resulting resettlement and livelihood restoration activities as quickly and efficiently as possible
  • This session discusses the critical strategic and tactical steps mining companies can and should take to secure access to land and manage related displacement impacts on time and in budget.

Tuesday, February 6 | 11:50 - 12:30 | Disruptors Stage
Disruptive Discussions

Nature positive mining – an oxymoron?

  • How can an industry that 'digs holes in the ground' be nature positive?
  • Is a positive impact on nature possible with the huge growth in mining expected to supply critical minerals?
  • Should mining not take place in some areas of very high value for nature – and if not, who gets to decide where?
  • What specifically for mining does a nature positive future look like, and what foundational steps does the industry need to take?

Tuesday, February 6 | 11:50 - 12:30 | Governments Stage
Intergovernmental Summit

•    How can Africa take advantage of the energy transition to enhance mining and the green mineral value-chains?
•    With a lack of sufficient investment into energy infrastructure, particularly in South Africa, where has this left the industry?
•    How can energy insecurity for miners affect Africa’s potential yearly green minerals output, as well as its future mineral exploitation capabilities?
•    Are renewable energy projects, as well as wheeled power projects a realistic alternative for mining and processing operations?
•    What are the benefits of ensuring energy security for the mining industry, and what are those benefits for the wider community?

Tuesday, February 6 | 11:50 - 12:20 | Pioneers Stage
Investment Series

This summary panel will delve into the findings of each roundtable, with each leader building upon the 
preceding discussions and briefing the audience on the key takeaways.

Tuesday, February 6 | 12:00 - 13:00 | Insiders Stage
Industry Intel

The Global Investor Commission on Mining 2030 is a collaborative investor-led initiative seeking to define a vision for a socially and environmentally responsible mining sector overall by 2030, and to develop a consensus about the role of finance in realising this vision.  It recognises the mining industry’s important role in society and the transition to a low carbon economy and aims to ensure the sector leaves a positive legacy by addressing key systemic risks holistically.

Session aims:
•    To discuss the role of institutional investors in the mining sector
•    To explore what issues challenge investors in the sector today and what would need to be different were investors to invest, value and steward the sector differently
•    To discuss the investment horizons and if short term investment horizons work against long term investment needed in the sector to meet the highest standards

Tuesday, February 6 | 12:05 - 12:25 | Innovators Stage
Tech and Innovation Hub

Tuesday, February 6 | 12:10 - 13:00 | CTICC
Sustainability Series

Tuesday, February 6 | 12:20 - 13:00 | Pioneers Stage
Investment Series

  • What does Africa’s finance gap currently look like? How can this be bridged?
  • Why should investors prepare themselves to take longer positions within the market?
  • Assessing Africa’s central role in the energy transition – where does the money need to flow to develop its critical minerals sector?
  • Private concessioning – How can government incentives promote external financing into local junior & exploratory sectors?
  • Are targets of funding transparent enough for investors to part with their cash?

Tuesday, February 6 | 12:25 - 13:00 | CTICC
Tech and Innovation Hub

Tuesday, February 6 | 12:30 - 13:15 | Disruptors Stage
Disruptive Discussions

The Silent 'C' - Communities! Are they truly part of the net-zero mining discussion? 

  • Exploring the need to go beyond developing siloed decarbonisation pathways for mining's conventional approach to net-zero. 
  • How do we challenge the industry to take an innovative and future-forward approach whereby communities are at the heart of its development. 
  • How do we move beyond the standard discourse surrounding the Just Transition, and challenge mining companies to explore ideas around community resilience more broadly and with greater consideration. 
  • Ultimately, what is the business case for a net-zero strategy for the mining sector that is inclusive, just and resilient?

Tuesday, February 6 | 13:00 - 13:45 | Stewards Stage
Sustainability Series

  • The region is facing a nexus of challenges in governance, pressures from climate change and rapid population growth and expanding terrorist activity.
  • There is a complex relationship between the artisanal and small-scale mining sector and conflict and criminality in west africa that requires solutions that go beyond repression and recognize the sectors importance and potential to local and regional development.
  • ASM is a critical source of livelihoods in the region and can be an instrument for peacebuilding and ensuring a secure future for the region if properly managed.
  • The sectors importance will only become more significant as environmental and social pressures increase.
  • Criminal exploitation of the gold sector and its linkages to conflict are fostered by persistent and widespread informality and lack of support for informal miners and gold traders.

Tuesday, February 6 | 13:00 - 14:00 | CTICC
Investment Series

Tuesday, February 6 | 13:00 - 13:45 | Innovators Stage
Tech and Innovation Hub

Is humanity or technology the problem?

  • What issues are being solved by technology, and what ones are being exacerbated?
  • What can be done to better integrate technologies in mines? 
  • How is technology being used to drive productivity? 
  • How do we upskill workforces? 

Tuesday, February 6 | 13:15 - 14:00 | CTICC
Disruptive Discussions

Tuesday, February 6 | 13:45 - 14:30 | Stewards Stage
Sustainability Series

•    What are the main corruption risks in mineral supply chains? How can companies ensure they adequately address bribery and corruption risks?
•    More specifically, how can companies downstream of the supply chain exercise more leverage and drive anti-corruption efforts up the supply chain?
•    What role can and should international strategic partnerships under development play in supporting anti-corruption efforts? How much of a priority should this be?
•    What are the challenges and opportunities for domestic and foreign anti-bribery law enforcement in mineral producing countries? How can institutions mandated with enforcing anti-corruption regulations be reinforced?
•    How can civil society organisations be better supported through the course of their investigations? How can their work be better taken into consideration for the purpose of law enforcement and due diligence?

Tuesday, February 6 | 13:45 - 14:30 | Innovators Stage
Tech and Innovation Hub

  • Renewable Energy is not available 24/7, storage solutions like batteries are needed.
  • What can the use of batteries in making grids filled with renewable energy play a role in decarbonising Africa?
  • How will batteries impact the demand for mining in Africa

Tuesday, February 6 | 14:00 - 15:30 | Governments Stage 2
Intergovernmental Summit

The country showcases are designed to highlight the key developing markets within the continent. These nations look to promote the opportunities for investment, exploration and production within their respective jurisdictions. 

Tuesday, February 6 | 14:00 - 14:20 | Disruptors Stage
Disruptive Discussions

Hear from an African influencer who will share their views on best business practise and what is truly needed to bring positive disruption to the continent, and by association, the mining industry. 

Tuesday, February 6 | 14:00 - 14:40 | Pioneers Stage
Investment Series

Is M&A the key to sustainable growth?

  • Identifying the RIGHT target – how can investors know which target is the best option?
  • What are the provisions that make an M&A target attractive for investors?
  • Why should investors fund JMs when they ultimately become acquisition targets?
  • How can investors fund projects that can't export but support in-country downstream beneficiation?
  • Are governments doing enough to support M&A activities in their jurisdictions?

Tuesday, February 6 | 14:00 - 15:00 | Governments Stage 3
Intergovernmental Summit

Hosted by the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP)

Tuesday, February 6 | 14:00 - 15:00 | Insiders Stage
Industry Intel

This session brings together key stakeholders in the Simandou project, for a focused one-hour to discuss progress on the
development of this mega project and the outlook for the year 2024.

This event will provide a valuable forum for discussing this ambitious project, the partnership structure that underpins it, and the collective efforts of all parties to complete the infrastructure and bring the project into production.

Celebrate the phenomenal achievement is shifting Simandou from project into execution – includes a ribbon-cutting ceremony at the end.

Tuesday, February 6 | 14:20 - 14:40 | Disruptors Stage
Disruptive Discussions

Hear from one of Africa’s leading mining associations as they outline how they are bringing positive change and disruption to the industry, the country and the African continent.

Tuesday, February 6 | 14:30 - 15:15 | Innovators Stage
Tech and Innovation Hub

  • The costs and benefits to automation. 
  • Should mid-tier miners automate in Africa? 
  • Making Africa an attractive industry for AI investment. 
  • Does Automation lead to job losses? 

Tuesday, February 6 | 14:30 - 15:00 | Governments Stage 1
Intergovernmental Summit

  • To what extent does labour issues/trade unions find articulation in African mining regimes and economic development policy frameworks?
  • Why does the existing policy not recognise the roles of social workforce partners, and how must that change to recognise them?
  • How do the aspirations of labour unions find expression in the countries’ policy designs on issues that affect workers?
  • Do the current low carbon energy transition ambitions across the continent hold the real possibility of a standardized mining workforce plan?

Tuesday, February 6 | 14:30 - 15:15 | Stewards Stage
Sustainability Series

  • What value is there in measurable ESG Data, and for whom? 
  • How can make ESG more impactful? 
  • Who needs measurable ESG data, and who pays for it? 

Tuesday, February 6 | 14:40 - 15:40 | Disruptors Stage
Disruptive Discussions

Empowering African mining in an era of disruption: The role of development finance and support organisations 

•    Gain insights into the current investment landscape in African mining, including opportunities, challenges, risk factors, and potential areas for growth and diversification.
•    Policy options for creating Africa’s demand for EV products.
•    Innovative ways of financing segments of the BEV (battery electric vehicle) value chain (for example, role of DFIs like the AfDB and the WB. Financial instruments available, funding mechanisms, risk mitigation strategies, etc.).
•    Understanding the impact of policies and regulatory frameworks on the African mining sector.
•    Available support from institutions to improve governance of the BEV value chain.


Tuesday, February 6 | 14:40 - 15:20 | Pioneers Stage
Investment Series

  • Overcoming investment obstacles – How do nationalisation risks, regulatory challenges and market transparency impede investment?
  • Ensuring greater accountability - What do investors look for when navigating project risk?
  • How can increased regulatory transparency and liberation ease offset these perceived challenges?
  • International security & partnership pacts – Are these easing or hindering access to investment opportunities?
  • How can mining companies overcome a lack of project investment when there is no infrastructure to support their project?

Tuesday, February 6 | 15:00 - 15:30 | Governments Stage 1
Intergovernmental Summit

  • Policy as a blocker – has the delay of policy implementation slowed Africa’s transformation mechanics?
  • One at the expense of the other - is the emphasis on Western environmental priorities hindering Africa’s own transition?
  • Why must producers take the initiative when investing into their own transitions?
  • Showcasing positivity - who’s getting it right?
  • Social contract – what does the labor engagement look like? How can we limit the use of exploitative labor practices across Africa?

Tuesday, February 6 | 15:15 - 15:35 | Innovators Stage
Tech and Innovation Hub

A demonstration highlighting the value of data transparency – Innomotics South Africa
Innomotics will be showcasing its digitalization competence with a demonstration of its pit-to-port visualisation solution.

Tuesday, February 6 | 15:15 - 15:35 | Innovators Stage
Tech and Innovation Hub

A demonstration highlighting the value of data transparency – Innomotics South Africa
Innomotics will be showcasing its digitalization competence with a demonstration of its pit-to-port visualisation solution.


Tuesday, February 6 | 15:15 - 15:35 | Stewards Stage
Sustainability Series

The Investor View: From Rhetoric to Practice – Operationalising ESG Standards in Africa

  • How are the growing plethora of ESG performance and disclosure standards and frameworks influencing investment decisions?
  • What ESG standards are perhaps better suited to the particular impacts, risks and opportunities in Africa?
  • What are the current pitfalls and challenges of authentic ESG performance in Africa? 
  • What do investors really look for in terms of ESG when assessing potential investments? 
  • How can investors contribute to improving ESG performance in Africa?

Tuesday, February 6 | 15:20 - 16:00 | Pioneers Stage
Investment Series

  • Infrastructure as a key – unlocking future access to new, untapped mining opportunities across the continent
  • How can investment into transition mineral mining open investment corridors into these opportunities?
  • Energy and utility security – How can developing reliable power access create new opportunities for investment? Does the capacity exist to support future mining efforts?
  • What are the ESG considerations? Are these likely to hinder financing, especially against the backdrop of other sources of FDI?

Tuesday, February 6 | 15:30 - 17:00 | Governments Stage 2
Intergovernmental Summit

The country showcases are designed to highlight the key developing markets within the continent. These nations look to promote the opportunities for investment, exploration and production within their respective jurisdictions. 

Tuesday, February 6 | 15:30 - 16:00 | Governments Stage 1
Intergovernmental Summit

  • Why are local banks better suited to navigate dynamic and emerging investment projects across the continent?
  • Does their expert local knowledge through branch networks provide them an edge to invest wisely?
  • How can Africa's banks offer mining companies a vital lifeline where hesitant external investors are unwilling to tread?
  • West Africa leading the way - Are local banks better suited to manage the potential risks towards collective success?

Tuesday, February 6 | 15:35 - 16:20 | Innovators Stage
Tech and Innovation Hub

  • How can universities use technology to keep up with the current pace of change to address the mining industries talent gap?  
  • How academia can work with OEMs and mining companies to provide a highly skilled and hungry workforce  
  • Making mining an attractive industry: how can we make the mining industry seem less “dirty” and more attractive to the next generation of professional.    

Tuesday, February 6 | 15:35 - 16:20 | Stewards Stage
Sustainability Series

A major driver for employment (48+million people) artisanal and small-scale mining constitutes the second largest livelihood after agriculture. By investing in formalising and professionalising the sector working conditions and incomes can be improved – such investment, however, risks leaving some of the most vulnerable people behind. 

Tuesday, February 6 | 15:40 - 16:25 | Disruptors Stage
Disruptive Discussions

What does a successful business relationship between car manufacturers and African miners look like?

  • The rise of relationships between car manufacturers and miners is increasing to reduce limited security of supply of transition minerals needed to build electric vehicles. But two global businesses have very different operating parameters and business models – how do they align? 
  • Human rights are a top priority for global OEMs – are mining companies doing enough to ensure this is never compromised? 
  • How can African miners educate global businesses on the nuances of operating in Africa? 
  • Sharing success stories – the key to finding alignment between global and local stakeholders 

Tuesday, February 6 | 16:00 - 16:30 | Governments Stage 1
Intergovernmental Summit

 The rapidly growing need for critical minerals for electric vehicles and batteries 
represents great opportunities, but also high risks. 
- There is uncertainty of market conditions and future technology and innovation that may 
make tomorrow’s batteries less reliant on critical minerals. 
- How do investors/taxpayers and governments share the rewards and risks in such a way 
to attract more investments.

Tuesday, February 6 | 16:00 - 16:10 | Pioneers Stage
Investment Series

Tuesday, February 6 | 16:10 - 16:15 | Pioneers Stage
Investment Series

Tuesday, February 6 | 16:20 - 17:50 | Innovators Stage
Tech and Innovation Hub

Mining Indaba introduced the Junior ESG Awards two years ago to honour junior mining companies for their sustainable development initiatives. Rabranded this year as the Responsible Resourcing Awards, Mining Indaba continues to recognise junior mining companies for their efforts in making the future of mining more sustainable.

Come and celebarte the champions of 2024 across our nine distinct categories: Climate; Water; Circularity; Transperency; Economy; Diversity, Equality and Inclusion; Labor; Community Engagement, and Nature. 

Sponsored by: 

Tuesday, February 6 | 16:25 - 17:15 | Disruptors Stage
Disruptive Discussions

Breaking ground: How positive disruptions are setting a new course for artisanal and small-scale mining development

  • Showcasing examples of disruption required to realise a sustainable ASM sector for Africa
  • Experience sharing format that brings together representatives from the World Bank, government, large scale mining, and downstream supply chain
  • Highlighting two innovative World Bank led and funded initiatives (The Sahel Multi-Stakeholder Partnership Initiative & Virtu Gem)
  • Last 30 minutes will be dedicated to our Mining Investment & Research Battlefield finalists – who will each present their nomination on initiatives to formalise artisanal mining

Tuesday, February 6 | 16:30 - 17:00 | Governments Stage 1
Intergovernmental Summit

  • What responsibility do producers have in creating an attractive investment environment, and how is this shared with investors and mining companies? 
  • Supporting Africa's priorities – How must regional chain partnerships, public, private partnerships and collaboration with consumer countries to ensure further local value addition? 
  • How will foreign agreements & cooperation enhance boost regional innovation, 
  • investment & technology, especially within critical minerals?
  • Where are the opportunities for domestic mining companies to drive the sector?

Tuesday, February 6 | 16:50 - 17:00 | Governments Stage 1
Intergovernmental Summit

Tuesday, February 6 | 17:00 - 17:00 | Governments Stage 1
Intergovernmental Summit

Wednesday, February 7 | 06:45 - 06:45 | Governments Stage
Intergovernmental Summit

Wednesday, February 7 | 07:00 - 09:00 | Governments Stage
Intergovernmental Summit

An in-depth conversation will be had about the latest mining developments in the country where key public and private sector stakeholders will gather for an open conversation on the future of mining in the DRC.

Wednesday, February 7 | 09:00 - 10:00 | Disruptors Stage
Disruptive Discussions

Hear from one of Africa’s leading mining companies as they outline how they are bringing positive change and disruption to the industry, the country and the African continent. 

Wednesday, February 7 | 09:15 - 10:45 | Governments Stage
Intergovernmental Summit

The country showcases are designed to highlight the key developing markets within the continent. These nations look to promote the opportunities for investment, exploration and production within their respective jurisdictions.

Wednesday, February 7 | 09:15 - 10:00 | Insiders Stage
Industry Intel

As women continue fulfilling prominent roles and positions within the mining industry – their influence and impact continue to be recognised. From equipment operators to boardroom executives, women bring new approaches and increased emotional intelligence to the decision-making process – disrupting conventional process and outcomes which lead to improved results and outcomes. This discussion will celebrate the power that women are achieving in creating positive disruption in the industry.


Wednesday, February 7 | 10:00 - 10:45 | Disruptors Stage
Disruptive Discussions

How green are our key green minerals? (cobalt, lithium, nickel)

  • What is the paradigm of a green mineral? Or – are green minerals really just a paradox? 
  • How can we improve mining and processing green minerals in an environment-positive manner? 
  • How are we ensuring mining waste is managed and stored responsibly? 
  • Ultimately – can green minerals ever be truly green? 
  • Unpacking key government’s green mineral strategies 

Wednesday, February 7 | 10:00 - 10:10 | Stewards Stage
Sustainability Series

Wednesday, February 7 | 10:10 - 10:55 | Stewards Stage
Sustainability Series

Wednesday, February 7 | 10:10 - 10:20 | Innovators Stage
Junior Miners Day

Wednesday, February 7 | 10:20 - 11:00 | Innovators Stage
Junior Miners Day

Developing exploration projects towards production

  • Marrying demand and supply - what can juniors do to accelerate their critical minerals projects beyond exploration-only assets?
  • Is the continent adequately set up to support these projects? How will a lack of infrastructure affect junior miners’ ability to deliver critical minerals projects to market at volumes that support global demand?
  • How can a candid approach to traceability by juniors improve the marketability of their mineral assets?
  • How do juniors find equal opportunities for their critical mineral projects in-country through downstream beneficiation and through export

Wednesday, February 7 | 10:45 - 11:20 | Disruptors Stage
Disruptive Discussions

Is graphite the forgotten green mineral?

  • Why does graphite not receive the same attention and interest as other green minerals?
  • What role can/does graphite play in the planet’s green evolution?
  • Is it up to Tanzania and Mozambique to represent Africa’s graphite potential?
  • Securing greater supply outside of China – a US-based initiative whose objective supports Africa

Wednesday, February 7 | 10:45 - 11:30 | Governments Stage
Intergovernmental Summit

  • How has international perception & access to Africa changed in light of mineral access and supply concerns?
  • What strategic policy initiatives can producers implement to get ahead of the mining paradigm shift in Africa?
  • Increased transparency unlocks African investment and increases the stability and security of all-important social licences
  • How can multi-lateral partnerships be developed and underpin sustainable value for responsible mining companies?

Wednesday, February 7 | 10:55 - 11:20 | Stewards Stage
Sustainability Series

•    We are currently entering into an unprecedented era in modern times. The mining industry is at the forefront of one of the most significant economic shifts in history, as the world seeks to decarbonise whilst also trying to meet the UN SDGs.
•    New mines will need to be developed in record times if the industry is to meet this demand.
•    Collaboration between governments, the private sector and civil society will be vital if we are to responsibly expedite development and permitting processes while also prioritising social and economic well-being of local communities.
•    In a world fractured by polarisation and post-truth what does the industry need to do to build trust with stakeholders? Is it even possible to build strong partnerships between diverse stakeholder groups if consensus is not always met?
•    Join ICMM CEO Ro Dhawan and NRGI Africa Director Nafi Chinery as they discuss these important questions, and provide their reflections on the steps different stakeholder groups should be taking to solve these common challenges. 


Wednesday, February 7 | 11:00 - 11:40 | Innovators Stage
Junior Miners Day

Do joint ventures enable junior miners?

  • Providing an overview of the current major/junior partnerships in the continent – what makes these so successful?
  • Are majors doing enough to support junior/exploration activities in Africa?
  • Can such an approach help to plug the exploratory capital shortfall?
  • How can juniors ensure they retain their freedom for mining operations, whilst balancing capital provisions?
  • With the push for critical minerals across Africa, how are governments supporting & partnering with Juniors to maximise production? 

Wednesday, February 7 | 11:00 - 13:00 | Insiders Stage
Industry Intel

Wednesday, February 7 | 11:20 - 11:55 | Disruptors Stage
Disruptive Discussions

South African manganese miners - supporting the steel industry and the green energy transition

  • South Africa’s manganese industry is well developed – but how does a traditional industry that feeds the steel sector tap into the green energy space as well? 
  • Are logistics challenges preventing an upscale in South Africa’s manganese supply?  
  • Could scrap manganese material be the real green solution? 
  • Beyond South Africa, what does Africa’s potential manganese contribution look like? 

Wednesday, February 7 | 11:20 - 12:05 | Stewards Stage
Sustainability Series

  • Beyond recycling: a holistic approach to making mining more circular.
  • Product stewardship: can the miner take a value chain approach and influence how the market uses and stewards their product towards circular systems? 
  • African innovation: what home grown solutions can Africa offer to make mining more circular?
  • Who is driving greater circularity in mining? 

Wednesday, February 7 | 11:30 - 13:00 | Governments Stage
Intergovernmental Summit

The country showcases are designed to highlight the key developing markets within the continent. These nations look to promote the opportunities for investment, exploration and production within their respective jurisdictions.

Wednesday, February 7 | 11:40 - 12:40 | Innovators Stage
Junior Miners Day

Getting it done right – junior success stories 

  • This showcase will spotlight the junior success stories from across the continent that have found their footing 
  • What is the blueprint to success in Africa? What are the pitfalls and blockers that need to be navigated? 

Wednesday, February 7 | 11:55 - 12:40 | Disruptors Stage
Disruptive Discussions

Will hydrogen be a panacea for PGMs and the South African economy? 

  • What is the true significance of hydrogen in the PGM industry, and what steps are companies and the government taking to support its development?  
  • What is South Africa’s strategy for commercialising green hydrogen, and how is this progressing? 
  • What are the latest developments in hydrogen infrastructure, and how is this shaping South Africa’s hydrogen ecosystem? 
  • The latest progress on the hydrogen valley, and the key factors required to ensure its success. 
  • Outlining the DSI’s work around R&D and skills development. 
  • Insight into green mobility hydrogen initiatives such as the Sasol/Toyota collaboration and the Sasol/BMW/Anglo American agreement. 

Wednesday, February 7 | 12:05 - 12:30 | Stewards Stage
Sustainability Series

A conversation between Sibanye Stillwater and GreenCo on leveraging regional power trading opportunities for South Africa

Wednesday, February 7 | 12:30 - 13:00 | CTICC
Sustainability Series

Wednesday, February 7 | 12:40 - 13:00 | Disruptors Stage
Disruptive Discussions

Collaboration paves the way for successful future for Botswana, and De Beers Group

Wednesday, February 7 | 12:40 - 14:00 | CTICC
Junior Miners Day

Wednesday, February 7 | 13:00 - 13:45 | Stewards Stage
Sustainability Series

•    What role do renewables have to play to bring down a mine’s emissions?
•    Developing renewable fuels in Africa.
•    What to do with those last, hard to abate emissions; can African nature-based carbon offset projects play a legitimate role?
•    How can carbon offsets be done “right”?

Wednesday, February 7 | 13:00 - 14:00 | CTICC
Intergovernmental Summit

Wednesday, February 7 | 13:00 - 13:45 | CTICC
Disruptive Discussions

Wednesday, February 7 | 13:45 - 14:30 | Disruptors Stage
Disruptive Discussions

Why gold is and is not a critical mineral

  • As investors and policy makers focus on stimulating production of critical minerals, won’t gold inevitably suffer?
  • If gold isn’t a key component of clean energy tech/infrastructure, does it have any role to play in decarbonising African economies?
  • Given gold's pivotal role in many developing economies, particularly in Africa, how might a shift in policy and investment (prioritising critical minerals) impact local stakeholders and development and growth opportunities?
  • Do we need to consider wider concepts of ‘criticality’ – in considering the ‘purpose’ of ‘’value’ the gold mining industry – e.g. in stimulating growth/development opportunities?

Wednesday, February 7 | 13:45 - 14:10 | Stewards Stage
Sustainability Series

Wednesday, February 7 | 14:00 - 16:00 | Insiders Stage
Industry Intel

Session 1: Panel Discussion on the African Green Minerals Strategy (AGMS): A Game Changer for Africa’s Minerals-based Industrialization 

Session 2: Launch of the Summary of Assessment Reports on governance initiatives and approaches on sustainable management of mineral resources and their alignment to the principles of the AMV for Morocco, Ghana, Gabon, and Zambia.

Objectives of the Event
The main objective of the AMDC Industry Intel Session is to showcase the tenets of the draft African Green Minerals Strategy, which will soon be tabled for approval to African governments; to elicit discussions around it; to consult and sensitize African stakeholders; and to improve the draft by taking the comments and inputs into consideration.
In addition, this event will be an opportunity to launch the summary of the assessment reports on governance initiatives and approaches on sustainable management of mineral resources and their alignment to the principles of the AMV for Morocco, Ghana, Gabon, and Zambia.

Session 1 
Moderator, Dr. Marit Kitaw, Interim Director, AU- African Minerals Development Center (AMDC)
Presentation of the Draft African Green Minerals Strategy, Dr. Paul Jourdan, Independent consultant 
• Hon. Ruth Nankibirwa Ssetemu, Minister of Energy & Mineral Development, Uganda
• Representative from the AfDB
• Hon. Samuel A. Jinapor, Minister of Lands and Natural
Resources, Ghana
• Representative from ALSF
• Hon. Dr Oladele Henry Alake, Minister of Solid Minerals Development, Nigeria
• Dr. Amany Asfour, President of Africa Business Council (ABC)
• Hon. Paul C. Kabuswe, Minister of Mines and Minerals Development, Zambia
• Ms. Mukupa Nsenduluka, Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA)
• Hon. Antoinette N Kalambayi, Minister of Mines, DRC
• Ms. Alaka Lugonzo, Oxfam
• Hon. Abdelkerim Abdelkerim, Minister of Mines & Geology, Chad
• AUDA-NEPAD CEO H.E. Nardos Bekele - Thomas

*Session 2 speakers
Moderator :  Caroline Obure 
• EU representative
• Country representatives

Wednesday, February 7 | 14:00 - 15:00 | Pioneers Stage
Industry Intel

The transition to electric vehicles is a $7 trillion opportunity for both companies and countries. Building the batteries to power these vehicles will drive demand for metals such as cobalt, copper, nickel and lithium. Countries such as South Africa, Morocco, Ghana and Tanzania are host to the metals needed to manufacture these batteries. This technical session, run by BNEF, will delve into how African countries can harness this $7 trillion opportunity with key focus on capital raising, sustainability, community engagement, value addition and skills development.

Wednesday, February 7 | 14:00 - 15:10 | Innovators Stage
Junior Miners Day

Exploration Companies
The Investment Battlefield is an annual competition for Africa’s top junior mining companies.  The relegation-style format sees non-relegated juniors advance to the finals for best exploration and development projects.

Wednesday, February 7 | 14:00 - 15:15 | Insiders Stage
Junior Miners Day

Wednesday, February 7 | 14:00 - 16:00 | Insiders Stage
Industry Intel

Wednesday, February 7 | 14:00 - 14:40 | Governments Stage 1
Intergovernmental Summit

  • Unpacking at policy level – how do governments regulate artisanal miners? What are the much-needed government-owned policy reforms?
  • Regulating to success – Why is a collaborative approach between artisans, LSM’s and governments mutually beneficial?
  • Bringing artisans into the fold - How are international institutions helping to promote long-term engagement and in producing countries?
  • Why can an artisanal mining policy that aligns with the aspirations of the Africa mining vision essential?

Wednesday, February 7 | 14:10 - 14:30 | Stewards Stage
Sustainability Series

Wednesday, February 7 | 14:30 - 14:50 | Disruptors Stage
Disruptive Discussions

Hear from one of Africa’s leading mining companies as they outline how they are bringing positive change and disruption to the industry, the country and the African continent. 

Wednesday, February 7 | 14:30 - 15:15 | Stewards Stage
Sustainability Series

Wednesday, February 7 | 14:40 - 15:20 | Governments Stage 1
Intergovernmental Summit

•    With in increase of exports bans of unprocessed minerals, is this the signal of a wider trend across the continent?
•    How have mining companies reacted to this continental shift? Does the uncertainty of access dry up investment?
•    What effect has this move towards greater beneficiation requirements had on existing and future mining projects?
•    Are these approaches short sighted? Is too much of the justification for resource nationalism based in misinformation and cupidity?
•    How can increased nationalism around mineral assets actually hinder producers, specifically when considering beneficiation, ownership ambitions and greater employment?

Wednesday, February 7 | 14:50 - 15:10 | Disruptors Stage
Disruptive Discussions

Hear from one of Africa’s leading mining companies as they outline how they are bringing positive change and disruption to the industry, the country and the African continent. 

Wednesday, February 7 | 15:10 - 16:20 | Innovators Stage
Junior Miners Day

Development Companies
The Investment Battlefield is an annual competition for Africa’s top junior mining companies.  The relegation-style format sees non-relegated juniors advance to the finals for best exploration and development projects.

Wednesday, February 7 | 15:10 - 15:30 | Disruptors Stage
Disruptive Discussions

Hear from one of Africa’s leading mining companies as they outline how they are bringing positive change and disruption to the industry, the country and the African continent.

Wednesday, February 7 | 15:15 - 16:00 | Stewards Stage
Sustainability Series

  • Are we budgeting for mine closure correctly?
  • Examine the balance between environmental and social provisioning. 
  • How can we practically improve safeguards, so budgets are effectively spent?
  • What are the countries that have performed best in closure and what has been key to their success?

Wednesday, February 7 | 15:20 - 16:00 | Governments Stage 1
Intergovernmental Summit

•    With the demand for critical minerals ever rising, how are African efforts to identify and exploit new opportunities working out?
•    How can national initiatives (i.e., cadastre system) help to promote mining and exploration projects?  
•    Lessons learned from regulatory environments of other international jurisdictions.
•    Developing domestic capability - What can be done to mobilise more FDI into African exploration projects? 
•    What role do Africa’s national mining companies play in promoting these actions?  

Wednesday, February 7 | 15:30 - 16:10 | Disruptors Stage
Disruptive Discussions

Finding the balance for an energy secure world through coal

  • We’ve moved beyond arguing the need for coal – let’s explore the role coal can play in the planet’s green evolution 
  • What does coal’s decarbonisation journey look like – can it disrupt our future ‘no coal’ energy outlook?  
  • Exploring technologies that can clean coal’s footprint? 
  • Are we cleaning our coal-fired power stations? A clean coal supply chain is not up to the miner alone 

Wednesday, February 7 | 15:30 - 17:00 | Governments Stage 2
Intergovernmental Summit

The country showcases are designed to highlight the key developing markets within the continent. These nations look to promote the opportunities for investment, exploration and production within their respective jurisdictions. 

Wednesday, February 7 | 16:00 - 16:45 | Stewards Stage
Sustainability Series

  • What does it mean to be nature positive and how does this transition to mining.
  • Can miners be stewards of land and nature? 
  • Should there be no go areas for mining, and if so, where in Africa? 
  • Should mines only be allowed if they can show a net positive impact on biodiversity? 

Wednesday, February 7 | 16:00 - 16:40 | Governments Stage 1
Intergovernmental Summit

  •  With so many questions on the AfCFTA (African Continental Free Trade Agreement), how much progress has there been achieved since its signing? 
  • Individualism is isolation - How has the AfCFTA helped to foster working relations to share equity and seek financing on a combined basis? 
  • What are the practical steps nations are taking to ensure collaboration and reduction of barriers across the continent? 
  • Is the expansion of 2 new African states into the BRIC a positive for AfCFTA?

Wednesday, February 7 | 16:10 - 16:50 | Disruptors Stage
Disruptive Discussions

Nuclear energy: Enjoying a renaissance

  • There is (almost) global political consensus that nuclear presents a scalable, non-intermittent and zero-carbon solution – is Africa in agreement?
  • Over 30 countries are now working with the International Atomic Energy Agency to explore introducing or expanding nuclear power capacity, and forecast nuclear-generation capacity to double by 2050 – what percentage of this will come from Africa?
  • Rapid advances in technology are opening a space economy with the commercialisation of space travel, the development of space stations powered by Pebble Bed Modular Nuclear Reactors, and the development of new propulsion technology based on nuclear to power spaceships on intergalactic travel into deep space.
  • The total market capitalisation of global stocks is US$44 billion, as opposed to US$150 billion just before Fukushima in 2007. With new uranium investment funds are emerging, this all augurs well for the yellow mineral.

Wednesday, February 7 | 16:20 - 17:00 | Innovators Stage
Junior Miners Day

How has access to funding changed for juniors? Does competition for funding force Juniors to explore very specifically?
Junior miners often sell their projects on the back of their management team’s experience/track record in successfully delivering projects in Africa. Do investors exclusively back management track record?
What else can juniors do to build a long-lasting & trustful relationship with investors?
The social license to operate is fundamental to juniors developing their assets. Despite the expense of ESG practice how do juniors secure the social license to operate from their community?

Wednesday, February 7 | 16:40 - 17:00 | Governments Stage 1
Intergovernmental Summit

This session will focus on the opportunities for African mineral producing countries to integrate into the U.S. clean energy industries – facilitated by recent climate-related legislation including the Bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, the Inflation Reduction Act and the CHIPS and Science Act. Drawing on a recent report published by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the session will identify the synergies between the United States’ objectives of developing new clean energy supply chains and reorienting its strategic relationship with African countries’ own long-held aspirations to industrialize and transform their economies by leveraging their mineral resources endowments.  The discussion will identify recommendations for the U.S. government, African governments, the private sector and nongovernmental actors on both sides of the Atlantic on how to advance this U.S.-Africa partnership in maximizing the benefits of the mineral resources essential to the low-carbon transition. 

Wednesday, February 7 | 16:50 - 17:10 | Disruptors Stage
Disruptive Discussions

What does Africa's iron ore industry look like 10 years from now?

  • How much longer does South Africa’s mature iron ore mines have – and does this warrant investing to decarbonise their footprints? 
  • Are green iron ore mines in Africa feasible without infrastructure – and where will the investment come from? 
  • Like manganese, is scrap metal the long-term solution to delivering green steel supply chains? 

Wednesday, February 7 | 17:00 - 17:10 | Governments Stage 1
Intergovernmental Summit

Wednesday, February 7 | 17:00 - 17:10 | Innovators Stage
Junior Miners Day

Wednesday, February 7 | 17:10 - 17:30 | Disruptors Stage
Disruptive Discussions

What would happen if no new mining projects in Africa were developed?

  • A world without Africa? Can the planet transition without the continent’s minerals contribution? 
  • What does Africa look like 10, 20, 30 years from now if it succeeds in building a cleaner planet? And what if it doesn’t? 

Wednesday, February 7 | 17:15 - 17:15 | Governments Stage 2
Intergovernmental Summit

Thursday, February 8 | 08:20 - 09:00 | Insiders Stage
General Counsel Forum

Delegates are encouraged to arrive promptly for the event, register for their badge and conference materials and kick the day off with refreshments and networking. Delegates are encouraged to find someone who they deem a complete opposite to them - sit next to her/him.

Thursday, February 8 | 09:00 - 09:10 | Disruptors Stage
Young Leaders

Thursday, February 8 | 09:05 - 09:10 | Insiders Stage
General Counsel Forum

Thursday, February 8 | 09:05 - 09:10 | Insiders Stage
General Counsel Forum

Thursday, February 8 | 09:10 - 09:40 | Insiders Stage
General Counsel Forum

Thursday, February 8 | 09:10 - 09:40 | Disruptors Stage
Young Leaders

A moderated discussion with Mike Teke, Founder and CEO of 91% black owned coal miner, Seriti Resources, as well as its new renewable energy arm, Seriti Green.

We delve into Mike’s journey “to the top” of mining, exploring personal topics ranging from his studies, family influence, mentors, values and what motivates him; through to his experience in mining, approach to business strategy and leadership and his views on the future of mining.

(There will be a short opportunity for Q&A)

Thursday, February 8 | 09:40 - 10:10 | Insiders Stage
General Counsel Forum

With unrivalled access to the data, trends and insights most impacting dispute resolution in the mining sector, our friends at Jus Mundi, take the stage to delve into the most recent and intriguing findings from their annual Mining Arbitration Report

Thursday, February 8 | 09:40 - 10:20 | Disruptors Stage
Young Leaders

Africa is home to almost untold mineral wealth – from battery metals to precious gems and gold, and rare earths to iron ore. However, while the continent has the world’s biggest reserves of diamonds, cobalt, uranium, manganese, and platinum, most of this remains underground and untouched. For African mining to fulfil its potential to create wealth and drive development, these resources need to be discovered, financed, extracted and properly utilised.

Our expert panel explores the promise and perils of mining exploration across the continent as well as the technologies, policies, regulations, and practices needed to bring new African mines into existence.

(There will be a short opportunity for Q&A)

Thursday, February 8 | 10:10 - 11:00 | Insiders Stage
General Counsel Forum

What opportunities are offered by a diverse range of dispute resolution mechanisms such as mediation and arbitration? How can in-house functions minimise both litigation risk and the vicious circle of spiralling costs being erroneously laid at the door of the legal function - and the ‘cost-centre’ fallacies which come with this?

Thursday, February 8 | 10:20 - 11:00 | Disruptors Stage
Young Leaders

Mining is innovating rapidly - because it must. With ever increasing demand for the minerals that make modern life possible as global populations rise and urbanise, the mining industry is faced by challenges on several fronts. Minerals are increasingly difficult to find and develop in a cost effective, safe and sustainable manner. Technological advancements offer green shoots of hope for more efficient, greener, and safer mining in the coming years, but the research, developing new approaches and implementing them in practice face challenges including the need for significant investment.

Thursday, February 8 | 11:00 - 11:20 | CTICC
Young Leaders

Thursday, February 8 | 11:00 - 11:40 | Insiders Stage
General Counsel Forum

The stark reality of ongoing geopolitical risk in Africa has become crystal clear across the last 24 months with rolling coups impacting the Sahel region. Our panel considers the role of in-house legal leadership in both strategic and preventive risk management and consider whether the legal function should indeed be the first phone-call placed by a CEO in the face of an imminent ‘on the ground’ risk.

Thursday, February 8 | 11:20 - 11:40 | Disruptors Stage
Young Leaders

Thursday, February 8 | 11:40 - 12:20 | Disruptors Stage
Young Leaders

A scramble for Africa’s vast mineral wealth is underway. From coal to cobalt, developed and developing economies alike are competing for the continent’s critical minerals to feed their economies. Some African countries have built sophisticated economies around their mining industry, while others are subject to the “resource curse” - and not everyone affected by the mining ecosystem ends up benefiting from it.

Join us as we debate whether Africa is on a path to better maximise the value of its mineral wealth, and what more should or could be done; and who really benefits?

Thursday, February 8 | 11:45 - 12:15 | Insiders Stage
General Counsel Forum

Sponsored by the UK Ministry of Justice GREAT Legal Services Campaign

Thursday, February 8 | 12:15 - 13:15 | Insiders Stage
General Counsel Forum

Hear from an expert speaker on some key issues and opportunities facing the modern in-house lawyer in a short and sharp presentation format followed by a brief Q&A.

Topic 1: Rise of OEMs - Lessons Learned 
This presentation will discuss some of the lessons we have learned thus far in bringing together two very different cultures – mining and automotive - in terms of the key structural elements to be considered during the negotiation of these transactions. 

Topic 2:  ‘Moving the needle’ - insights from the 2023 ‘General Counsel of the Year’ -
Equality and Equity in Mining & Meaningful Engagement with Communities
Let’s tackle topics that are sometimes brushed over, and have hard-hitting conversations on consistent, reliable and fair income opportunities for women in mining, meaningful engagement with our communities and transparency in how we conduct our respective businesses.

Topic 3: Sustainability
What is in-house legal’s role in supporting and driving vital corporate sustainability requirements?

Thursday, February 8 | 12:20 - 13:20 | Disruptors Stage
Young Leaders

The future of work is not what it used to be - the rise of artificial intelligence coupled with the already rapid pace of digitisation and automation in mining will profoundly affect the skills and attitudes needed for a successful future in the sector.

How can mining companies, universities and individuals adapt? What should students and young professionals consider when pursuing their studies, developing new skills, and adapting to a mining industry that is rapidly reinventing itself?

Thursday, February 8 | 13:20 - 14:30 | Delegate Lunch Room
Young Leaders

Thursday, February 8 | 13:30 - 14:00 | Insiders Stage
General Counsel Forum

We close out this year’s GC Forum for a sit down with a former mining GC who became the leader of a West-African gold producer. We’ll dive into what this lawyer has learnt from sitting at the top of the corporate table and whether this has changed their thinking as to where the key value of an in-house legal function truly comes from.

Thursday, February 8 | 14:00 - 14:05 | Insiders Stage
General Counsel Forum

Thursday, February 8 | 14:05 - 15:00 | Insiders Stage
General Counsel Forum

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